Ayurvedic Healing Wellness Elixir

I am so excited because I will be teaching a healthy cooking series in my town very soon! Cooking is something I truly enjoy (as I am sure you can tell by now!). But even more exciting for me is using different spices and trying different spice brands.
I stumbled across The Spice Monger on Amazon while looking for White Pepper a few weeks ago. Along with my pepper I received a sample of chili powder and cardamom pods. What is most impressive about Spice Monger products is they are grown in India and they are organic. They carry spices most of us are aware of via Ayurvedic Medicine…which originated in India. On the outside of each spice bottle or packet Spice Monger shares a bit of history about the spice. For example the organic black pepper used to be called black gold and the organic white pepper used to hold value as currency.
Doesn’t it make your wonder…if these spices used to hold monetary value why aren’t more people consuming them today? I really look forward to sharing these amazing spices with my participants soon.
Until then, I have created a soothing, delicious, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant boosting and healing coffee replacement. I am not anti-coffee at all but we must all be aware that coffee is acidic and it’s not healthy to drink it alllll of the time. In fact Dr. Mark Hyman has 10 reasons why you should stop drinking coffee here.
Either way, if you love coffee or hate it, everyone benefits from using high quality organic spices and ingredients that promote health and wellbeing. In light of knowing that we shouldn’t drink too much coffee I created this warm and soothing coffee or latte replacement using ingredients to boost your energy and antioxidant intake.
1 cinnamon stick
8 Spice Monger Organic Whole Cardamom Pods buy here
8 Spice Monger Organic Whole Cloves buy here
¼ teaspoon Chaga mushroom powder buy here
1-cup water
*Optional almond milk or coconut milk as a creamer
Place cardamom pods and cloves into mortar and pestle & gently pound. Be sure to do this gently as we just want to slightly release the oils and flavor of the spices. You are not to grind this to a fine powder. *If you don’t have a mortar and pestle pound spices on a cutting board with a small pot.
Next add water, cardamom, cloves, and 1 cinnamon stick in a small pot and put over a medium high flame. Once the pot comes to a boil reduce the heat to low and simmer until you have a nice deep brown color.
Strain the liquid with a fine mesh strainer right into your favorite mug. Add ¼ tablespoon of Chaga powder and stir well. Add nut milk of your choice as a creamer & enjoy!
Health benefits of Cardamon here
Health benefits of Clove here
Health benefits of Cinnamon here
Health benefits of Chaga here
Thanks for reading!